Sunday, March 7, 2010

It seems that life goes in fits and spurts. There are tons of things that need to be done at home, but Hadassah had a friend over for a sleep-over last night, and we brought her (the friend) half way to town to meet her mom, so we decided to come on in and do some shopping/web work.

The weekends get more and more hectic. And yet, the results this weekend--the most hectic to date for me--were so wonderful I'm almost ready to do it all over again! It's a great feeling to have your daughter tell you with shining eyes "mom, I had a great weekend, and the best part was being with you!" Praise God. You've gotta know it isn't me, but Him! (And thank you, Eric for all the hard work you put into the weekend, too!)

And so now we're headed into another week, with what feels like scant time for the fun stuff. Perhaps we'll go home now and tackle the duties so we can have more time later on.

Have a great week!

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