Monday, June 21, 2010

Yesterday we spent most of the day weeding and watering our garden in Ft. Vermillion. It was a beautiful day, 24*C in the shade at 7:00 p.m., nice sun, etc. Along about 8:30 it started to cool down and you could smell that delicious scent that you'll only find in the north. It's a woodsy/fruity/heady scent, one that makes you glad to be alive, and glad to be living more north than south!

It's also a scent that is stronger when you're about to have a thunderstorm. And we had a really nice storm last evening. It rained enough to almost fill the cistern here where we're staying, and that's a huge benefit :)

Today has been beautiful. Sunny, but not too warm, and everything is fresh and clean looking. Elias and I went into town to wash clothes at a friend's house, and he thoroughly enjoyed playing outside with my friend's little boy. Now we're home again with the laundry happily drying on the line, (gotta bring it in before dark...but that's a few hours away! lol) and the kids ready for bed. Good night :)

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