Monday, July 5, 2010

There are few things that can bring a smile to a child’s face like the return of a parent who has been on a trip. It was so fun on Sunday to watch Elias eagerly anticipating his daddy’s return, to the point that he could hardly stand the ½ hour extra wait because the plane had been delayed. It’s also really neat to live near one of the very few airports in North America that still allow up-close and personal views of the runway and waiting with/for leaving/arriving loved ones. Anyway, we heard and saw the plane land while waiting in the truck and then dashed into the terminal to watch it taxi up to the door and unload. Elias had his little nose practically pressed against the glass to watch, turning around only to make sure we were watching as well, and to make sure we knew precisely which direction the plane was taxing, where it turned, and “Wow! Did you see it turn all the way around right there, mom?” (the plane did a 180 right outside the window). It was a very happy day. J

Today has been absolutely beautiful. We had warm sun (actually, HOT sun), cool breezes, nice rain, some hail, and then more sun but with cooler temperatures. Now it’s thundering and clouding over again in the east, but there’s a pink glow from the Joch’s siding on the west, so it must be clear that direction. Never a dull moment, I can assure you!

During the ritual bike ride/walk this evening Hadassah met with disaster. It appears that despite parental warnings against using her brakes too hard, and/or using her front brake too much, she decided to go from 90 or nothin’ to stopped within a couple of seconds. Suffice it to say she evidently flew over her handlebars. Thankfully she sustained very little damage—a skinned knee and hand, and a few bruises in inconvenient places from the handle bars. Elias was nearby and sped to her rescue, lifting the bike off her back and pretty much carrying her to the side of the road, then going back for help. It’s a rough lesson, but I’ll bet she doesn’t ever do that again unless the other options are waaaayyyy worse. Poor kid.

For supper we tried a new recipe. It’s called Rava Doses with Chickpea and Potato Curry. Wow, was it yummy! It’s basically an eggless crepe filled with a potato/chickpea/onion/etc. curry. (I know, I know, crepes are French, and this is an Indian dish. But it’s the best description I can give on short notice! ) Anyway, that combined with avocado slices, and steamed asparagus made up the main part of our supper. Dessert was soy ice cream and Carob Coconut cookies. Yummy. Alicia, I’m not sure where you found the Rava Doses and Curry recipe, but it’s good!

And since it's late, late, late--goodnight. Ummm...I mean, morning??

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